
VAP(Vibration Analysis Platform) is the solution (hardware+software) for vibration signal measuremnt and diagnostics

Uses cases:
  • Academic laboratories: vibration signal measurement
  • Products developmnt: vibration test and analysis
  • Manufactures: condition monitoring for important assets
  • Bearing/gearing: fault diagnosis

  • Hardware

    VAP100 Series
    low cost MEMS sensors
  • 1/2/3 axis acceleration
  • 1.6k bandwidth
  • 12bit ADC
  • USB/Serial communication
  • open protocol
  • supports Shell Lab platform
  • VAP200 Series
    high performance
  • 8 channel sync sampling
  • up to 204kHz sample rate
  • 24bit ADC
  • support IEPE sensors
  • integral circuit for speed measurement
  • ethernet communication
  • open protocol
  • supports Shell Lab platform
  • Software

    Shell Lab Testbench

    structual resonance signal generated by shock impulses:


    Bearing Fault Diagnosis

    fault diagnosis for bearing signal